Why You Should Always Ensure Your New Home Has Been Radon Tested

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Moving into a new home brings a bunch of different challenges, from trying to organize your new address on all of your important details to making sure that the gas, electric, and water are all turned on. It is easy to miss something, especially when it is a service that many people simply do not know about. If you have never heard of radon testing, don't worry, you are not alone. However, it is important that you take steps to fix this and ensure that your home has radon tests done to it as soon as you move in.

What Is Radon?

You may have briefly heard about radon when learning about science in school, as it is a gas that is created from decaying uranium. There doesn't have to be a lot of uranium for radon gas to occur, and there are tiny deposits of uranium all over the country that are producing enough radon gas to show up on tests done in residential homes located far above these deposits. The issue with radon is that it is extremely dangerous to the human body and it can cause all manner of different diseases and conditions, perhaps the scariest being cancer.

Radon Level Tests

There is going to be some trace of radon in almost every home, especially if you have good enough testing equipment. However, what you really need is a professional radon-level tester to make sure that no rooms in your home are more dangerous than others, that the reading is absolutely correct with no margin for error, and that there are no mitigating factors that could influence the result. That is why you should never test for radon on your own and why it is imperative you always use a professional.

Taking Action 

Luckily for you, if radon is found at dangerous levels then there are preventative steps you can take. The most common method of radon dispersal is to install a fan that directs the radon through a vent to a safe location, which is generally above your home. Thus the radon bypasses your home completely and you do not have to worry about any of its effects again. If this is not a possible solution due to the construction of your home and its layout, then there are other options as well so do not worry, just make sure to talk to a radon gas tester and see what their suggestions are. 

Contact a local service provider that offers radon tests to learn more. 
