Tips For Using Traps And Bait Stations For A Mice Infestation

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Do you have a problem with mice in your home and are not sure what to do about it? You'll want to take care of the problem by using some traps and bait stations. Here are some tips for using them.

Use Bait Stations To Learn About Activity Areas

Many people think of bait stations as a way to kill mice, but they can also be a great tool for tracking where they go. This can even help you find the point of entry where they are getting into your home. You can bait stations in places where you think the mice may be traveling to. You can then look at the bait a few days later and see how much has been eaten. If you have a lot of missing bait then you know that the mice have been eating it. You may be surprised when it comes to what parts of your home the mice are getting into.

Buy The Right Bait Station 

You'll likely see mice and rat bait stations and automatically assume that you need a mice bait station. However, know that a mice bait station has a low profile and is only big enough for mice to get into it. If you have rats in your home, then they are not going to be able to get into the smaller bait station. It may be best to buy a rat bait station because both mice and rats can go into them. 

Place Food In The Open Before Setting Snap Traps

Mice are creatures of habit and can actually be weary of snap traps that suddenly appear in a familiar place. It can help to put food in the places where you plan on setting the snap traps so that they get used to the food and eat it. You can then place the food on a snap trap to catch the mice once you see they are taking the food. 

Once you start putting food in the snap traps, you'll want to place the trap so that the food is closest to the wall. This will put the food right in the path that mice travel, and will be more likely to grab their attention since they'll walk right past the food. 

Having trouble catching the mice in your home? Reach out to a pest control specialist in your area that can assist with plugging holes and setting up traps. For more information on pest control, contact a professional near you.
