Ways To Effectively Get Rid Of Mice In Your Home

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Mice can be destructive pests because they may chew on your fabrics. Additionally, mice may contaminate your food or water with bacteria, potentially causing bacterial infections when you consume the contaminated food. For these reasons, mouse removal is essential. Here are the effective ways of eliminating mice from your home.

Remove the Food Supply

Mice create their habitats around areas where they can get a sufficient food supply. Therefore, keeping unsealed food containers or trash bins in your kitchen may attract mice. Also, avoid keeping pet food in the bowls as this may attract mice. Moreover, mice may also chew on cardboard paper. For effective mouse removal, dispose of these supplies accordingly. If the pests don't have access to food, they may leave your house to find another alternative location.

Set Traps

Mice can enter your home through holes in the attic or crawl spaces. Thus, inspect your home thoroughly to identify these entry points. Then, seal the entry points to prevent more mice from accessing your property. Likewise, you may notice droppings or spot the mice coming from specific areas. Set traps around these vulnerable places to increase the chances of catching the mice before they cause significant damage to your home.

Use Mice Deterrents 

Placing mice deterrents around your home can keep mice away. For instance, you can place cotton balls soaked with ammonia around your house. The ammonia releases a strong pungent smell that deters mice. Additionally, spraying peppermint or clove products on your property may repel mice. Additionally, predators such as cats may help keep away the mice.

Destroy Mouse Nests

When you hear mice squeaking in certain places, including dark corners or behind walls, these are potential nesting places. Mice can multiply fast and expand their nests or move to different areas of your home. Hence, destroy these nests as soon as possible. For instance, eliminate waste materials like cardboard or light plastics that the mice may use to create shelter.

Use chemicals

Sometimes, natural DIY mouse removal may not work efficiently. You may need to spray chemicals to kill the mice in such cases. However, preferably engage a professional mouse elimination service as they can select safe and effective chemicals. Also, the professionals have the right spraying equipment, ensuring good results.

Consider applying these techniques to keep mice away from your home. For more information, contact a mouse removal service in your area such as Critterex LLC.
