3 Signs You Need To Hire A Bed Bug Exterminator

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If you've excelled in keeping your home squeaky clean, the thought of pests invading your home may never cross your mind. What you don't know is that bed bugs can infiltrate your home even if you maintain high levels of hygiene. The pesky bugs can turn your life into a nightmare. If you suspect they are already in your home, you must contact a bed bug exterminator immediately. 

One of the reasons why you need a bed bug exterminator is that these pests know how to hide. Bed bugs can creep deep into crevices, furniture, mattresses, wallpaper, and wood floors. If you never thought these bugs could infiltrate your home, you might notice their presence when it's too late. Instead of trying homemade solutions to eliminate them, you should call a professional bed bug exterminator. 

The following are signs that you need a bed bug exterminator.

1. You See the Bugs

Even though many people don't know what to look for, seeing the bed bugs live in your home means you need help. These pests have a distinct light brown color and an oval-shaped, flat body. The wingless pests appear bloated and with a dark reddish or brown color after they feed. 

If you can see them crawling on your walls or furniture, it could be that they've run out of hiding places. A widespread infestation requires elaborate steps, and only a skilled exterminator can guarantee successful elimination. If you see insects that look like bed bugs, you must call a reliable exterminator to verify whether they are bed bugs, and they'll recommend a safe and proven eradication method.

2. You've Bought Used Furniture or Beddings

If you fancy flea market merchandise and you've recently brought home an antique piece, couch, or mattress, you're a perfect candidate for bed bug extermination services. Used furniture acts as the perfect bed bug dispatch channel into your home. Even if the furniture was in a clean home, it can still dump bed bugs into your home without your knowledge. Before you take any piece of used furniture or bedding home, ensure it's checked and disinfected.

3. Blood Spots on Your Sheets

When a bed bug inflicts a bite on your skin, the chances are that blood spots and tiny smudges will form on your sheets, pillowcases, or other bright bedding materials. If you squeeze a fully fed bed bug in your sleep, it releases the ingested blood on your beddings. If you notice peculiar blood spots and smudges, you should inspect the bed thoroughly for these bugs. 

Additionally, if you notice bed bug feeding activities and fecal matter on your upholstery, you must call a bed bug exterminator to assess the extent of the infestation. They will employ a viable containment and elimination method and leave you to enjoy a bug-free home. Contact a bed bug exterminator for more information.
