How To Discover Hidden Pests That Are Living In Your Home

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There's nothing more horrifying than discovering you have a mouse in your basement or that your living room is a haven for spiders. At the first sign of rodent or spider infestation, call a pest control company right away before the problem gets worse. While you're waiting for the exterminator, here are some ways to help you discover where mice and spiders are hiding and what you can do about them. 

Hidden Mice In Your Basement

After the kitchen, your basement is where you may be most likely to spot a mouse. Many people use their basements as storage areas for old furniture, seasonal decorations, boxes of clothing and toys, and other things they have accumulated throughout the years.

Mice love hiding in clutter and they also like living in washing machines, dryers, and water heaters, especially in dark areas of your basement. To discourage mice from living in your basement, remove dust, food items, and dirt. Also, because mice like hiding in dark places, keeping a light on will prompt them to find another place to call home.

Also, call a plumber to repair leaky or broken pipes because dripping water and dampness can cause musty odors and mold spore formation which may attract mice and other rodents. To get rid of musty smells or dampness, use box fans or a dehumidifier. Used coffee grounds and pieces of charcoal are also effective in eliminating musty odors and absorbing excess humidity from the air.

Spiders Love Your Living Room

If you live in a highrise apartment or condo building, then you are probably very familiar with spiders that like to hang around your windows. They're less scary when you know they can't get in, but many times, they do. When they do get into your home, whether you live in a multi-unit building or a single-family home, they're likely to go straight to your living room.

Not only might they find some food crumbs in the carpeting, but they'll also enjoy hiding in dark, quiet corners where they can weave a web or build a nest. To keep your living room from becoming a breeding ground for spiders, keep your surfaces dust-free and remove any cobwebs from the corners. Vacuuming your carpeting or mopping your hard-surfaced living room floor will help ensure that all food particles have been eliminated. Don't forget to vacuum underneath the cushions of your furniture, where spiders can lay their eggs.

If you suspect that you are sharing your living spaces with rodents or spiders, consider calling a pest control company. Pest problems that are solved quickly are less likely to turn into infestations. 
