Don't Let Bedbugs Become Traveling Companions: Tips For Avoiding The Pests

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If your career has you traveling a lot, you should be protecting yourself against bedbugs. Each time you check into a hotel, you run the risk of carrying the tiny creatures home with you. Even if you haven't seen bedbugs in your hotel rooms, they could still be present.

You don't have to go to extremes to protect yourself from bedbugs. Here are some simple travel tips that will reduce the chances of carrying bedbugs home to your family.

Be Selective with the Closets and Drawers

Bedbugs can hide inside closets and drawers. When hanging clothes up, be sure to choose the closet that's farthest away from the beds. This will help protect your clothing from infestation.

For maximum protection, it's best to avoid dressers altogether. However, if you need to use dressers, be sure to inspect them thoroughly before placing your clothing inside. Look along the edges for egg casings, or dead bugs.

Keep Your Luggage off Floors and Beds

Bedbugs prefer to hide in carpeting, and on upholstered furniture. To reduce the chances of carrying bedbugs home, don't place your luggage on beds, floors or upholstered chairs. Instead, place your luggage on portable luggage racks or on wood furniture, such as tables or dresser tops.

Bring a Supply of Re-Sealable Plastic Bags

When you're packing for your trip, be sure to bring along several re-sealable plastic bags. When you undress for the night, place your clothing in the bags and seal them up. Once you get home, wash your clothing in warm water and place them in the dryer for at least 20 minutes. This will kill any bedbugs that might have been carried home on your clothing.

Inspect Your Luggage

Once you return home, inspect your luggage. Look along the edges and inside the creases. It's also important that you look along the zipper and inside any pouches or zipper compartments. Look for signs of bedbug eggs, which will look like small white spots.

Before placing your luggage in storage, vacuum it thoroughly inside and out. If you've found signs of bedbugs, fill a spray bottle with water and add ½ cup of bleach. Spray your luggage with the solution before placing it in storage.

If you're not sure the bleach solution is safe for your particular luggage, spray a small amount of the solution inside your luggage and allow it to dry. If the color doesn't fade, it's safe to spray your luggage.

Bedbugs are no fun. These techniques will help protect you from bedbugs while you're traveling. If you happen to bring bedbugs home with you, it's important that you contact an exterminator for bed bugs in Victoria as soon as possible. Bedbugs can be very difficult to get rid of once they've infested your home.
